Friday, November 9, 2012

A little humor...

My apologies to any art majors, but I'm pretty sure "English" would fit just as well :)


  1. hahahahahhaa I think this is hilarious.. The kid even looks like an art major (not to be stereotypical or anything).

    1. Hey I love art. haha

    2. Hey, you should probably add your name so you can get credit...

      I started to have a conversation with someone on a blind date once who was a communications major. When I asked her what she could do with that major she freaked out...I guess I wasn't the first person to ask her what she wanted to do with a useless major, (of course I didn't phrase it like that, but I'm sure the other people did, ha!).

    3. Haha so how did date #2 go? I shouldn't laugh too hard, i had a useless major when i first started coming to WSU as well. I wanted to go into Criminal Justice... English was a much better choice haha.

      -Jaxson S.

    4. I dont think art is a useless major but is definetly hard to find jobs.
      Zul Martinez

    5. Yeah, sadly I was considering art as a major for a while too. I am so glad that I did some research on the Art Institute and the prospective of this degree before I started it.

      Anna Hollingsowrth

    6. There are jobs everywhere you just need to know where to find them. And there are a lot of jobs that you can do with a communication major. Almost every job out there deals with some form of communication.

  2. Haha That was awesome good one!
    -Joci Barton

  3. Haha I just enjoy the funny feel that you get from romney and obama. My sister is an art major so i thought it was quite funny.
    -Taylor Okabe

  4. Haha I just enjoy the funny feel that you get from romney and obama. My sister is an art major so i thought it was quite funny.
    -Taylor Okabe

  5. Haha I just enjoy the funny feel that you get from romney and obama. My sister is an art major so i thought it was quite funny.
    -Taylor Okabe

  6. I like that this one implies that Obama and Romney can come together on this, I almost wrote that with a straight face! There is another one I've seen that has Obama calling up the bus driver to take care of Romney. That one is pretty funny too.

  7. This is hilarious! Not to be rude to art majors. I would totally major in art if I thought it was a smart move for me.

    -Bryson C.

  8. I feel that this is true for the future. The job that I am earning my degree, I was told was not high on availability, but this is not something that will stop me, for the job that I chose is what I was meant to do. It may be a long time before I can get a job, but until then, there are many different options to do with my major.

    Therefore the idea of this picture is relevant, but one must choose something that there are many options in case the first plan does not work.

    -Karleigh A.

  9. I have to agree with Geoff. That was my initial response as well. There's no way those two are agreeing on something haha! That's comedy!

    -Jaxson S.

  10. haha.

    ~Matt Albrechtsen

  11. Haha this is a funny but sad at the same time because of the truth in it! It's sad but with this economy this could almost be true for any major.
    Kaylee m.

    1. I agree is funny but sad. And it so true this could happen to any major just because people now are hiring people that dont study to pay them less money this is just sad.
      Zul Martinez

  12. This is really funny only because you see Obama and Romney laughing together for once and not fighting like they usually are. It's sad because people work really hard on their majors, and may not always get their "dream job" later on. Eventaully hard work will pay off. It's always good to have a backup plan!!

    -Bailey M.

  13. I find it really sad that as kids were are faced with the decision of what we want to be when we grow up. And then we grow up and are faced with a reality check and the decision between a usefull and useless deggree.

    Anna Hollingsworth

    1. This is true Anna, a lot of students major in something of their choice, because it is something they love to do, and in reality their hard work may never pay off. Especially in this day and age. It is very sad.
      -Bailey M

  14. Thanks for everyone's comments on this--I certainly didn't mean to poke fun at art majors. This could apply to almost anyone majoring in the humanities, I guess, which is sad, since art, literature, music, and theater are so culturally important to our society. Ah, well--we don't major in the arts so that we can be rich, right?

    On a lighter note, here's my favorite joke about my own major: What's the difference between an English major and a large pizza? A large pizza can feed a family of five (=

    1. Oh that is a good one! Isn't it sad that we have to laugh at things like this because the truth is so sad.

      Kaylee Moore

  15. I like this because I always used to do terrible in art when I was in elementary school. It makes me feel better about having no art skills haha.

    -Charles S.

  16. that's funny but sad at the same time because it's true. I wanted to be an art major becase I Love art with a passion, but I couldn't go anywhere with it. :(

  17. That is a hard realisation for most people. That when they graduate with an art degree or even a history, psychology, or othere degrees like that it is going to be hard for people to find a career. But if there is a job that you know that you is out there for you, then by all means go for it and get that degree.
