Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Drug Representatives"

Looking over Isaacson's article in Weber Writes, what do you think he did well? What could he have improved?


  1. I think he wrote the article well. He was convincing in the fact that it's really up to the patient which brand of medicine they want. I guess he could have added it's up to the doctor unless the patient already knows.. I don't know what else he could have added.

    1. And i'm replying to my post on the shear fact to brag that i have all 20 comments complete, this one being my last, and because 21 is a much better number than 20 so i'm leaving 21 posts behind.

    2. Not all patients will know what brand they want unless they have taken that perticular medication for a while.
      And I as a patient want a drug that is in my interrist and not something that will make a sales representative more money.

      Anna Hollingsworth

    3. Sales reps. aren't all bad. Some of the drugs they push are good, and without them helping create a demand for said drugs, they probably wouldn't get into mainstream circulation.

      -Charles S.

  2. I personally thought that this article was to informative and not argumentative enough. It was good for getting information but really kind of boring

    1. I agree, super boring. I don't think that a paper has to be argumentative in order to get published in Weber Writes. That's just what we have as our assignment this time around.

    2. Yeah, I have noticed that a lot of theses papers are more informative than argumentative. Maybe it is because those writers had to fill out at least five pages.

      Anna Hollingsworth

    3. You can have a good argumentative paper that is 20 pages. Really they could just as easily fill the space with arguments. It's more likely their teachers didn't assign them argumentative papers.

      -Charles S.

    4. Ya it was boring and didn't help as far as an argumentative paper

  3. I think that most of the articles from Weber writes are written well but most of them are more informative than they are argumentative. They needed the thesis starters that we used today.

    -Karleigh A.

    1. They are more informative. But i also think that the subjects are really boring in some of them. also the way they start is not interesting either.
      Zul Martinez

    2. I think that depends on the assignment. Essays don't have to be argumentative.

      -Charles S.

    3. Charles has a point! Not all have to be argumentative, it does depend on the essay itself.
      -Bailey M.

  4. I thought it was a great essay it had allot of great information and did a great job on citations it made the essay more reliable. But it was more informative than it was argumentative.
    -Joci Barton

    1. Ya... but did you enjoy reading it? That was the kicker for me.

      -Jaxson S.

    2. Honestly I really didn't enjoy reading this one. I thought it was cool and good information but it wasn't really enough to get me to interested in it.

      -Taylor Okabe

    3. Honestly I really didn't enjoy reading this one. I thought it was cool and good information but it wasn't really enough to get me to interested in it.

      -Taylor Okabe

  5. Most of these stories in Weber Writes are boring to me. I wish that college writing involved more personal writing. To me there is nothing more exciting than reading something that i can relate to. If i can't you're going to lose my interest real quick!

    -Jaxson S.

    1. I agree with Jaxson,I think there should be more personal writing. Personal writings, argumentative writings, and informative writings all serve a purpose, but I think some of the most interesting ones are ones that come straight from the writer.

      -Bailey M.

    2. They teach the formal type writing because no matter what field you go into you need that style. The same cannot be said with personal writing, but I agree with you. It would be more interesting with more personal writing.

      -Charles S.

  6. I didn't like the Cycle of Reading one. It felt like she was bragging. Did anyone else feel that way?

    -Charles S.

  7. I thought it was interesting to read, I liked his thoughts about how it's up to the patient to decide which drug they want, even though most people aren't informed and really don't know which one is best.
    Staci Galvez

    1. I agree Staci. I think it should be our right as a patient to determine what meds we take. However, I also think that we have the right to also be educated or know about what drug we are going to take.

      Kaylee Moore

  8. They are more informative and didn't really help with the final essay but they provided great information!

  9. They are more informative and didn't really help with the final essay but they provided great information!
