Thursday, September 13, 2012

Audiobooks, anyone?

I had to post this ad because I found it really interesting--I've mentioned in class that I'm resistant to e-readers, and yet, while I was working on my master's degree, I did quite a bit of my "reading" via audio files on my iPod. The problem was trying to go back and forth between the printed text and the audio.  Here's the solution to that problem! I may have to buy a Kindle now! (Ha :)) What do you think? Could you convert to audiobooks?


  1. For me audio could be a problem. I tend to space out when people are talking to me, and i know is bad but i do. So i think i would not pay attention to what he writer is saying.

    Zul M.

    1. I tried to listen to scriptures at work as i was going through my conversion and i just couldn't comprehend what i was listening to like i could when i was reading.

      -Jaxson S.

    2. I think that I would space out as well. That is why I have not even bothered to give it a try.

      Anna Hollingsworth

  2. I definitely see the positives to audio books as well as kindles. Both my grandparents have one and they travel often on cruises and planes. This allows them to have as many books as they want and to be able to download new books if they want. However, both times that I have tried to use their's, the nooks hurt my eyes and I can only read for a couple of pages. Therefore I personally could not read them but I like audiobooks, but they have to have an interest-holding narrator.

    -Karleigh A.

  3. I think its a good idea, although it doesn't make me want a kindle any faster, lol. This could be good for people who can only stare at a page for so long.

    -Colton W.

  4. I like using audiobooks when I drive long distances. Radio stations don't stay consistent, cd's are repetitive, and you can't read in the car while driving. For regular use though, I prefer to read the story myself, to insert my own interpretation of the tone and inflection that the reader of audiobooks often doesn't match with my own.

  5. Audio books I know I don't enjoy. I like being able to comprehend the way characters are talking by reading it myself and feeling the emotion behind it instead of just listening to it.
    -Taylor O.

  6. I like to use my imagination to create characters, settings, and emotions. Audio books are nothing more than convient to me. I would much rather read to myself than have to listen to an old monotoned voice. My opinion :)
    -Bailey M

  7. I like the Idea of audio books, they are very helpful when you have to read books in school that you have no interest in what so ever, or if i don't have time to read but i can listen and do other things, or if traveling i can have books on my lap top to listen to and save room by not packing seven books, because if you're like me you don't pack just one book. but i wouldn't switch to audio books permanently.
    Staci Galvez

  8. I agree it is convienent at times to be able to listen to something while you do other things. BUt I also have noticed audio books don't work really well for me. I found that if I listen to something I don't comprehend it as well as if I can follow along. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Kaylee Moore
