Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Mind Over Mass Media"

"Mind Over Mass Media"

Do you agree with Pinker that "[t]he effects of consuming electronic media are...likely to be far more limited than the panic implies"? Or do you think we need to be more concerned about the world's steady diet of information that is fast-paced but lacking depth?


  1. I personally like this article and a part that sticks out a lot to me is the part where Pinker talks about how technology can come to be a distraction but that is not a new problem, but it is that we need to have more self-control and dont let technology consume our lives.

    Chad Fowers

    1. I agree, I really enjoyed how for once, he had a two sided article rather than the extremist opinions that every other writer has had. It is refreshing to see that an author with authority is willing and able to have an opinion that covers both sides of an argument.

      -Karleigh A.

  2. I agree a lot with this article, but I must say that even though my retrieval of information may be fast, I actually will go into a LOT of depth when I am interested in something and I want to know more about it.

    Bryson C.

  3. I personally thought this was a great article however it did not have to much back bone as far as statistics. It did mention some things however did not go in to very much detail. that being said I did agree with how they mentioned that technology has been changing for years and even though we see it as a threat we adapt to it. I do not believe that technology changing and quick information at my finger tip is a bad thing. what does everyone else think?

    -Felix B.

    1. I agree with you. On one side we waste a lot of time on games, facebook, and video games but on the other side we also save a lot of time due to quick access of information avaliable to us.

      Anna Hollingsworth

  4. Technology is only a problem if you let it be one. Other then that I think that all the things mentioned in this article are good for society. People need to calm down sometimes. I agree with Pinker.
    -Jake N.

    1. I agree with you, technology only becomes a problem when people let it be. People know what when is the right moment to use it or and what is more important be in the "computer" or do something productive.

      Zul M.

    2. I agree with you. I can't explain how much better my program at work has been since we aloud the kids to start playing math games and "use your brain" games. It's been really handy and they seem to enjoy it more than just using a pencil and paper.
      -Taylor O.

  5. I don't think new technology makes us less smart. I think it gives us a new opportunity to go further in depth into areas we enjoy. There is a plethora of information at our fingertips that people years ago couldn't get if they traveled thousands of miles. We just shouldn't get content with the knowledge we have. We should always seek new knowledge.

    -Charles S.

    1. I agree with you a lot. It is so much more convinient to just type in a word into a search engine and get all this acces to information.Filter out what we do not want to learn within minutes rather than go all the way to a library and browse through stacks of books.

      Anna Hollingsworth

  6. I agree with the author's position. When something new is introduced into society and makes a big wave, many people are going to harshly criticize it. It's happened with everything, from tvs to comic books, and from rock music to facebook. Someone will always react and in some cases overreact. I completely agree that new technology is absolutely necessary in order for society to progress. It allows us to organize our ever-multiplying information, recall whichever piece of it we want whenever we want it, and put it to use. Any behavior we develop (such as addiction, like wasting an entire day on facebook) is our fault and we need to correct it, but the tech will definitely not make us dumber.

    -Colton W.

  7. I don't feel like the rise in technology is going to hurt us in any way. In my class we talked about how with the rise of technology, it is helping to advance and mature young children more quickly than ever before. I have noticed that as well, I have a young cousin who is only 2 years old, (will be three next month) and can play angry birds on the ipad without any problems. For the youth it could be games, or video clips etc, but for adults there are many things that technology can help with. The things that technology can do for us, is amazing if we let it contribute to our daily lives the way it needs to. If we use it out of context and for the wrong reasons, then yes, you may see a decline in inteligence. I don't think it is a bad thing at all.

  8. Technology can be a problem to those who obsess with it. If people can't avert from technology, they could be dependent on it. I agree that technology is a great source Andy serves a great purpose. I use it when I need to, but I don't depend on technology to do a lot of the work for me.

  9. I really liked what Pinker had to say in this article. I think he is right about technology being good and people just need to learn self control. Technology becomes bad if one uses it too much or for wrong purposes. Technology doesn't tempt me with distraction because I don't understand how someone can be on facebook for hours on end, and other websites like that, and completely waste time.
    ~Staci Galvez

  10. I like this article i thought it was all right. If we use technology for wrong reasons than it won't befits us but if we use it for good intentions then technology can improve our way of life.
    -Joci Barton

    1. technology are luxuries, and we have to treat them as such. Once they consume our lives, we are nothing more than the website or app we become obsessed with.

      -Jaxson S.

    2. I agree with both of you. We need to make sure that technology doesn't run our life, we run technology.

  11. Pinkers argument of people's response to technology are "panics that fail reality checks." This proves to both the audience and to himself that there is a less heard argument for the use of technology. Thus making this a two-sided argument that will be understood and agreed with by young audiences. However, the fact that the article is on a website geared toward an older generation gives it more credibility and effect.

    -Karleigh A.

  12. Pinker’s article seems to be a response to Carr’s arguments about "what the Internet is doing to our brains" and he refers to him when he says characteristically "critics of new media use science to press their case". Although it doesn't provide much evidence/analysis, he is more optimistic and realistic than Carr. Technological developments are not a threat. Every era has something new. It improves our way of thinking, not destroys it. This will always be a controversial issue,you either accept new inventions or you panic with developments. just enjoy!
    ~Koularmani I.

  13. I don't feel like the rise in technology is going to hurt us in any way. In my class we talked about how with the rise of technology, it is helping to advance and mature young children more quickly than ever before. I have noticed that as well, I have a young cousin who is only 2 years old, (will be three next month) and can play angry birds on the ipad without any problems. For the youth it could be games, or video clips etc, but for adults there are many things that technology can help with. The things that technology can do for us, is amazing if we let it contribute to our daily lives the way it needs to. If we use it out of context and for the wrong reasons, then yes, you may see a decline in inteligence. I don't think it is a bad thing at all.

    -Bailey M.
    P.S this is my post from above I just forgot to list my name when I did it.

  14. I agree wiht bailey, My nephew, who is two also,doesn't have many words in his vocabulary but he can do so much on the ipad it amazes me. he can access many games and ha even goes to the learning games. there is so much activity going on in his brain and he's learning fast because of the ipad. I think technology is under used and that children should have access to technology in school to help them learn, while still being able to play outside and use their imaginations. with the right porportion technology is wonderful.
    Staci Galvez

  15. It's crazy to see what the little kids can do now days! They are so smart with technology it amazes me! But it's kind of funny to think about because I know the older generations think this same thing about us. haha

    Kaylee Moore

  16. I think people need to calm down, but realize that technology can be addictive. Well everyone in the future not leave there homes because techonlogy has made it that we can get everyone delivered to our homes and work from home? No, people will still go out and do things out of their home, but people need to make sure they don't get bogged doen my technology.
