Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"The ABCs of E-Reading"

So, what did you think about "The ABCs of E-Reading"? If you are not an avid reader of e-books, did this convince you to run out and buy a Kindle? If you already own some kind of electronic reader, did this justify your purchase and make you feel superior to those of us who are digging in our heels, resisting technology, and clinging to our beat-up paperbacks?


  1. I find the study interesting where, in the article, it states that 52% of men bought e-readers and 48% of women bought them. It just made me laugh to myself as i thought, "Yea cuz men buy them as gifts for the women." I'm not saying that's why the statistic is higher, but it's possible.

    1. Yeah I agree. I gave a little chuckle as i read your comment. You are right I think and i think that the statistic has a little to do with your thinking.

  2. Haha that is so true my Dad bought my mom a Kindle for her birthday. They should do another test to see if men by E-readers for themsevles or gifts to thier significant ones. I did like this article it was informational but to much data if that makes sence.
    Joci Barton

    1. My wild wager would place men buying a tablet for themselves that had many many more capabilities than mainly reading.

  3. For me reading in a e-reader is easier. I tent to read faster when is in a electronic type of a thing than in an actual book. plus i think is easier to carry it doesnt take that much of space.

    Zul M.

    1. I agree. I think that I can read a lot faster on electronic devices than an actual book. It's a lot more convenient to carry!

    2. I found out that I do too. I read a 500 page book in two days when it usually will take me about three.
      -Taylor O.

  4. Do you guys think e-readers will take away the "realness" of reading books, or add to the experience? I think that it may take away from the experience, in the fact, that you don't get to touch or turn pages. But I also think, with new technology, it may enhance reading with clips or pictures to go along with text.

    Kaylee M.

    1. I like reading books with feeling, which is frowned upon by the general public for guys. So electronic reading allows me to read anonymously!

      -Jaxson S.

    2. I like being able to feel the book in my hand and see the pages. Whenever I read on an e-reader I do feel disconnected to the story a little bit, but at the same time if it is a good enough story then it won't matter if it is on an e-reader or not. I personally am just a book fan.

      Taylor O.

    3. I do not really see that big of a difference. When I read a story, I read the words. I completely focus on the contents of a book and not the package itself.The only other two factors that matter to me are: How comfortable the book/device to hold is, and how well I can see the words.

      Anna Hollingsworth

    4. Our brains remember things so well while reading because our brains are able to imagine the things read.. and also place unconcious "landmarks" in our minds that help us remember where and when or what side of the page we read something on.. So as fact has it thus far, reading non-digitally is better for cognitive growth. As for me, i'd rather read digitally so i can take frequent breaks and play games ;)

    5. For me books brings the feeling more reals, but seen all the pages that i still need to read makes me mad and not wanting to read more.
      Zul Martinez

  5. I think when the author says "realness", he is just trying to allude to the disconnect created by not holding the book in your hands and turning the pages. However, I agree with you that the new technology can add new dimensions to the reading experience.

    -Charles S.

  6. I like the idea of reading in the hot tub. I have never tried it and I think it would be very relaxing.
    -Jake N.

  7. This article makes me think more about buying an e-reader. I haven't ever used one, but the idea sounds appealing (especially if it makes reading more convenient). I hope they make a waterproof one so I take it with me to the pool or camping.

    -Colton W.

    1. My wife has a kindle and she's very stingy with it. She loves it and i never get to use it, which in turn makes me jealous. Haha. I would also like to buy one!

      -Jaxson S.

  8. I personally own a Kindle Fire and I love it! I read allot more than I did before and I can download a few books for long road trips and delays at appointments and not have the extra weight.
    - Joci Barton

  9. I have tried using my Ipod and my cellular device for reading on the go, however I haven't noticed any improvement on how enjoyable the reading is. I have noticed after some time of starring at the screen it begins to hurt my eyes, maybe the "paperwhite" e-reader screens could change this.

    -Felix B

  10. My wife and I have a kindle, but we seem to read more from our phones than the original device because of the convenience. We always have our phones and the backlighting is kinda handy too.

  11. Does anyone have the new kindle and nooks? My grandparents have one and they think it is the best thing that it has a backlight. I still haven't changed to approval of the e-books but they are definitely becoming more popular.

    -Karleigh A.

  12. So... after reading this article I downloaded the nook app to my phone to see if I liked it or not and now I can't stop using it. I was converted.

  13. I feel like the only way to know if i'll like another form of reading better is to try it out. I don't know if I would spend that kind of money on an E-reader. It would have to depend on how many things I loved about it, because I know they have quite the benefits too.
    -Bailey M.

  14. I think e reading is great! no need to collect tons of book i wont read again with the e book. that's also why i love the library too. I don't have sentimental value for books, unless they were given to me and have notes in them for me. e reading is perfect for not having to store books. yes e books are easy to travel with, but so are print books too, until you have too many. then it becomes a problem. Between print and e books, there doesnt have to be a better version. people do what is most convenient for them, i think it's great to be able to pick which version i want.
    Staci Galvez

  15. My dad was given an e-reader for his birthday and he doesnt put it down because he loves reading. I'm not a big reader of books, but I love Sports Illustrate and can read it on my iPhone and love it. E-readers make reading fun again and easier and I think everyone is benefitted from them being in exsistence.
