Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"A Portfolio of TV Commercials"

Volkswagon: Snowplow
Union Carbide: Chick
Alka Seltzer: Spicy Meatball
Quaker Oats: Mikey
Coca-Cola: Mean Joe Green
Federal Express: Fast Talker
Pepsi Cola: Archaeology
Levi's: Launderette
Jeep: Snow Covered
Energizer: Darth Vader
Got Milk?: Aaron Burr
The Gap: Pardon Our Dust
Honda: Physics
Sony Bravia: Bunnies
Dove: Onslaught
Tide to Go: Interview
Planters Peanuts: Perfume


  1. - Felix B.

  2. Micheal jordan Banned Commercial - Felix B.

  3. Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan commercial - Felix B.

  4. M&m's 2012 Commercial - Felix B.

    1. I love the M&M commercials. They have always been my favorite. But this is one of the favorites. Great advertising appeals.

      -Lauren Farr

  5. Planter's... disturbing. Wow... I am not a fan. I do like the spoof commercial on the Life "Mikey" commercial with the Jackson boys and Michael Jackson as Mikey.


    1. Really? I thought that the Planters Peanuts commercial was really funny and great.

      -Lauren Farr

  6. This one is pretty cheesy, but some of the needs and audience appeals are very clear. Koolaid commercial

    1. Super cheesy! made me laugh though.


    2. I loved this commercial! It definitely is a new favorite. I laughed a ton.

      -Lauren Farr

    3. I thought of looking for this commercial after listening to Dane Cook. He has a comedy bit about the Koolaid guy breaking into houses and it made me want to check his facts, lol. Oh yeah!

  7. This add is very funny to me. I think it has need for guidance and need to achieve in it. Maybe some need to dominate in interviews

  8. I know that the Doritos' commercials have always been my all time favorite commercials! What is everybody's favorite ones??

    -Lauren Farr

  9. My favorite commercial from this portfolio was the Energizer commercial. I want to see what everybody liked. Feel free to comment.

    -Lauren Farr

    1. I would like to know how much Energizer paid LucasFilms to spoof Star Wars.

  10. I agree the Energizer commercial was pretty good.

    -Matt A.

  11. the union carbine one was pretty cool, and the dove commercial was really disturbing.

    -Matt A.

  12. I remember that planters peanuts one from the super bowl, way funny. " Have a coke and smile" is a classic, like mean joe really drinks it though!

  13. the commercial that i think was really good was the Dove add. That commercial really takes it to a place where you can relate and feel sad for that little girl.

    -Zul M.

  14. I think the "Alka Seltzer: Spicy Meatball" commercial is my favorite. I love commercials that make me laugh, makes me want to watch them over and over again.

    Anna Hollingsworth

    1. That commercial was great. Even though it was old, I feel that they could still play it now and have the same results that they would want. People would still laugh and smile.

      Lauren Farr

  15. Does anybody else think that the older commercials seem to be alot more entertaining than the ones they show on TV these days?
    I do not even watch them anymore because they seem just too redicelous and stupid.

    Anna Hollingsworth

    1. I like the older commercials! Although some of the commercials these days are pretty hilarious.

      Lauren Farr

    2. YES!!!! I do think that are more interesting commercial now a day like childish and at the end you just says "What the heck was that" hahaha
      Zul Martinez

    3. I completely agree with Anna. Older commercials seemed to have been more thought out. They used various appeals and were entertaining to watch. Most commercials now-a-days are an onslaught of information and usually they're obnoxious. Why would an advertiser spend so much money airing a crap commercial? It makes the product look bad and makes the producer look worse.

    4. The older ones are traditional. The meatball one is old and very funny!

  16. The The Gap: Pardon Our Dust commercial definitely uses the need to satisfy curiosity.
    Even though I think that it is kind of stupid, it is still prety entertaining how that whole situation developes.

    Anna Hollingsworth

  17. I liked the Tide on the Go Interview, I thought it was pretty funny I also liked the Star Wars commerical with the Energizer Bunny. But overall my favorite commercials are during the Super Bowl and so far the Doritos commercials are the best! Which Doritos commercials do you guys like?
    Joci Barton

    1. The Super Bowl commercials are the very best. That is the only reason why I watch the Super Bowl. But the Doritos commercials are the best of the best. My favorite one is with the grandma and the sling shot.

      Lauren Farr

    2. Ya they are super funny!! The super bowl sure knows what commercials will get viewers attention!

  18. The honda commercial was the most eye catching but was ineffective, for I watched a few times before remembering what it was for. The others that were memorable was the Sony Bravia commercial. Also the others from this company were also amazing. The best of those is that they have videos of how they made the commercials. My favorite from their company was the san francisco one. So if you have a chance to see it, it is amazing.

    -Karleigh Austill

  19. I do have a question though, what was the purpose of the gap commercial, and I also wonder if they actually had people come into their store and start pushing displays over?

    -Karleigh A.

    1. If that was the case I bet that was the most entertaining ad to make. But the whole destruction to show they were putting up a new location sort of threw me off.
      -Taylor O.

  20. I can't tell you how many times I watched the Honda: Physics ad. I thought it was the coolest thing!!! Talk about dedication.
    -Taylor O.

  21. My favorite commercials are the Panda Cheese commercials. They are on Youtube if anyone is interested.

    -Charles S.

  22. I really liked the engergizer commercial! It targets a lot of people, with star wars being so well known.

    -Bailey M.

  23. The planters commercial is really funny. I think there is a utilization of absurdest humor that is more common now a days than it was "back in the day"

    1. That is for sure. I think the more absurd the commercials get the better they are. Look at the Old Spice comercials, those ones are straight weird, but they are so funny.

  24. Of course Darth Vadar needs energizer! The world would be a better place if only Darth Vadar would've had some extra batteries! haha

    Kaylee Moore

  25. The wagon snow plow one is so dumb yet it has me interested!
