Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals"

Here is the link to a PDF of Jib Fowles' article, "Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals." Although the advertisements he uses as examples are pretty old, the appeals are still applicable to todays ads. Can you think of current ads that fit the appeals that Fowles lists? Do you think there are any appeals that he missed or that should be included in the list?


  1. I think Fowl did an excellent job in coming up with the appeals. As far as i can tell they are the exact same as today. I can't think of any other appeals that could be added either.. hmmm

  2. Sex appeal and affiliation appeal is what I see most whenever I watch TV. What do you guys think is the appeal used most today?

    -Matt A.

    1. I agree that the most common appeals would be sex and affiliation, but also today with the special effects of movies and television ads, aesthetic sensation is common as well. That and the need to escape, with commercials such as sandals (vacations) commercials.
      -Karleigh A.

    2. I'm thinking that you're right about those 2 appeals.. I'm pretty sure we could sum them up by changing the words of the appeals to "The Lust appeal"

    3. I see sex appeal all the time. It's a problem too, because too many people are self conscious over their looks and what people think of them because of these sorts of appeals.

      -Jaxson S.

    4. I think that now a days there are also a lot of ads that use the need to feel safe.
      -Taylor O.

    5. I agree with you guys about those two mostly used appeals. It is amazing how much more women are likely to buy a product if they think that they would have hair, skin, or anything else just like the model that was presented in the commercial, as long as they think that it would help them to feel more confident and sexy.

      Anna Hollingsworth

  3. Even though the need for sex is often seen in commercials, it seems that the more obvious that appeal is, the less sophisticated the ad is. The better uses of this need all seem to be more subtle.

  4. I think there should be one for the need to laugh. An add is only successful to me if it makes me laugh. Does anyone agree?

    -Charles S.

    1. I agree with you charles! Laughter is always a good way for something to stick out to me. I tend to remember funny things over informative things. I think other types of adds can be successful,but it is true that the ones that I remember most, are the ones that make me laugh.

      -Bailey M.

    2. I agree that there needs to be one about laughing, but I don't think that just laughing commercials work. All different kids of commercials work. Maybe laughing commercials are the most memorable ones for you, but there are other commercials that try to get the audiences attention with other appeals.

  5. I think it's funny how most commercials are about escape, sex and affiliation. Our economy is falling apart but instead of advertising things that could help the economy like: save your money, or have food storage and other things in storage for when unexpected things happen like the loss of a job. Nope, most advertisement is forget your problems, for the moment, go on vacation leave your problems behind; or having sex will make life better.. what a sad twisted world we live in.
    Staci Galvez

  6. I think it's weird to think, even if we don't think we do, these things appeal to us. It's almost sad in a way the way advertising can get to us.

    Kaylee Moore
