Thursday, October 4, 2012

Portfolio of Advertisements

Portfolio of Advertisements


  1. In class I got the advertisement developed by Camels cigarettes in 1947. the headline was "More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette" this add uses an affiliation appeal. As if to say, the sophisticated doctors are doing it, why don't you?

    -Matt A.

    1. Kind of ironic that these are the same people who come in to break the bad news that you need to quit or else.. haha. (I know that in 1947 that wasn't really an issue, just saying.)

      -Jaxson S.

    2. Yeah, I think it really ironic. The doctors saying its great to smoke, but then them realizing that its deadly.

  2. In class I got the "Coca Cola goes along" ad. It uses the appeals the need for affilation and the need to escape. It uses the soldiers to depict a group that you will be affiliated with if you drink coca cola. In a way it almost makes you feel as if you aren't patriotic if you don't drink coca cola.
    Kaylee M.

    1. I agree with that and the ad is effective in that way for many bought coca cola in order to prove that they supported the war. I also feel that the ad was meant to bring a sense of union in the country and that showing that the soldiers were drinking it, it made something in common with the families that were here. It served as a metaphorical tie that these families could have to their family members that were over sea.

      -Karleigh A.

  3. I think it's crazy to see that some of the same appeals, that were used in the 1940's, are still used today. We are still convinced and influenced by some of the same things from over 70 years ago!
    Kaylee M.

    1. Along those lines, the appeal for sex has always been around, one thing i would add is that those ads are probly 70% more revealing now than before. scrud

    2. It is crazy to see that some of the same appeals are used today! People still fall for the same tricks that they did years ago. There are still things that we are pleased by and things that don't appeal to us.
      -Bailey M.

  4. I guess not all pictures say more than thousand words. I find it very interristing how some of the older ads had a short dicription in order to satisfy the consumer's need for curriosity.
    I wonder if it was like that because the commercial industry was still new during those times and were still working on their selling techniques.
    Does anybody else have an idea why the ads went from having such long discription to only one line?
    Have people gotton really that lazy about reading?
    Or do we just get to deal with too many ads these days that we immidiatly lose interrist if we do not get hooked as soon as we see the picture.

    Anna Hollingsworth

  5. I love all the old ads, I think that affiliation has always been a human need that ads appealed to. This shows to all audiences that our product may be good when you are alone, but if you do it, you most likely will not be alone again. This makes it so that a customer will continue to buy the product in hope that they will become affiliated.

    Another observation, is that in the 30-60s the advertising was mostly men and that the appeal was to other men to have this or to attract women, or housewives to the ad so that they would buy the product for their husband. However, today many ads are women as spokes persons and are playing the same role but are accepted the way men were then, and differently today than women were then.

    -Karleigh A.

  6. The old ads make me laugh a lot more than newer ads. Probably because they are trying so hard to get the appeal known by the observer. Or maybe the clothes make me laugh; or the cheesy slogans; i don't know why exactly, but they do make me laugh.

    1. I like the clothes. But I do agree that there is more subtlety to the ads today, not much but those from the past were specifically geared toward the product and how it will help; where as today, they're more abstract and some you do not know the product until the end of the commercial.

      -Karleigh A.

    2. The advertisers probably realized that really overtly trying to appeal to a customer had diminishing returns.

      -Charles S.

    3. I agree with Colby!! The slogans are pretty cheesy i must say! But they make a point :)
      -Bailey M.

  7. I think the one about the '66 Corvette is hilarious! If you are drenchedand happen to be eating a peach you just might be the one for a Corvette! Haha
    Kaylee m.

  8. There are so many cool and interesting ads. I my favorite one is " More Doctors Smoke Camels than any other Cigarette". It's kind of like a oxymoron pretty funny.
    -Joci Barton

    1. I also thought that "More Doctors Smoke Camels than any other Cigarette" was a great one! It's funny how the two contradict each other and the people who preach one thing, do another.
      -Bailey M.

  9. I love how in a lot of these they make the woman the strong one who doesn't seem to need the man to be great.
    -Taylor O.

    1. I agree, it's a clever way of advertising and a good way to appeal to the female demographic.

  10. I loved seeing all the different appeals in the old fashioned advertisements! I liked the guy holding the cigarette with the motorcycle and the lady in the background, I just thought man, you don't need the cigarette to make you attractive, all you need is a motorcycle!
    Staci Galvez

  11. I think old adds are really entertaining

  12. Advertisments have changed a lot from the "good old days." But they are still trying to send the same message. My favorite is the woman hitting the man's butt. I wonder if some company would try something like that today.
