Monday, October 15, 2012

"Ban on Fast Food TV Advertising"

Here is the link to our next reading:

"Ban on Fast Food TV Advertising"

Knowing the appeals used by print and TV advertisers, as well as the subtlety of the effects of the appeals, do you think a ban on fast food advertising during children's programming is appropriate? Do you think that it would be effective in curbing the obesity problem?  San Francisco has passed a similar measure that bans Happy Meal toys in meals that don't comply with a certain nutritional standard (here is a link to an article about it). Do you think that forcing corporations to take responsibility for obesity is effective?


  1. I found it interesting that from 1970 to 1999 childhood obesity more than tripled. - Felix B.

    1. Ya. I found it crazy how, in the article, they threw out all these numbers without much to support them. Where did these numbers come from? Are they really true? they also put correlations together that are not cause and effect. For example when they say that obesity tripled during those years along with advertising going up. We can't make that assumption that this is a cause and effect relationship; there are other influencing factors.
      Kaylee M.

    2. I agree. I would like to know where they got all of their facts and statistics. Credibility is often overlooked.

      Lauren Farr

    3. I agree with the facts and statistics, but we have to remember that they are trying to presuade us. They want us to see the negative effects that fast food has. That is why they correlated the obesity and advertisements.

  2. Ok. I understand that obesity is a problem, but I strongly believe that trying to control the society by banning soft drinks over a certain size for example is really impeding on our freedoms. Just because there is a 32 oz. drink available doesn't mean we HAVE to get it, and if there is, we have every right to be unhealthy. Sure it isn't a good idea to eat unhealthily, but that is everyone's choice. People are going to buy fast food regardless if their children see ads or not. It is convenient and well... fast. And honestly, it doesn't matter what the percentages of obese children compared to the number of fast food ads played in an hour is, it only matters that we shouldn't have to be controlled on what we can and cannot buy. Come on you health nuts, worry about your own bodies and your own kids, it's not your job to control the health of anyone else, unless they ask. Also, the fact that kid's toys are banned in unhealthy meals is stupid. I think it's a fairly effective sales tactic, and it's all good business. Stop telling these private companies what they can and cannot do!

    -Bryson C.

    1. Well you are obviously a conservative. I like it. I especially like the comment about the toy being an effective sales tactic, i only wanted kids meals because of the toys, many times not eating and just playing, great times.

    2. I completely agree with you. People can make their own choices on whether to be healthy or not. I know that I like to eat healthy but sometimes fast food is like you said fast and convenient. And I agree about the toy, I always just want the toy not the food.

    3. I definitely agree about the toy advertising. That is the only reason why I would want to go to McDonald's when I was a little kid.

      Lauren Farr

    4. I disagree, it is really annoying to see all those fast food commercials while trying to watch a show. They just make a person want to get fast food without being actually hungry.

      Anna Hollingsworth

  3. When I read this article I thought of the "Super Size Me" show. It is sad to think that more and more kids develop a habit of eating this food regularly, resulting in more obesity for generations to come. I think if getting rid of fast food commercials could lower the obesity in the U.S. I'm all for it.

    -Matt A.

    1. I think that if they could prove that getting rid of the commercials would lower the obesity rate then they for sure should. I just think fast food is so popular already that it wouldn't even matter if they canceled them or not because people are still going to eat fast food. I don't see commercials for them and I still go eat fast food.

    2. The movie Super Size Me is sad and i completely agree with you Matt. Getting rid of fast food advertisements would lower obesity rates in everyone. All ages would result from this.

      Lauren Farr

    3. For some people eating out is a habit and a ritual, just like the Super Size Me movie mentioned above. However, some people know where to draw the line and others don't. In this case, it's up to the obese population to get up and do something about it. I agree with Lauren that everyone would benefit from taking some fast food advertisements away, but at the same time, why punish those who have their eating habits under control? Tough thing to think about.
      -Bailey M

    4. At the same time, there are countries where children are starving. So, really what's is worse gluttony or starvation? I guess those aren't the only to options, but I would pick gluttony.

    5. That Last comment was Charles S.

  4. I think that the problem with obesity start with the parent. The parents have the obligation (if they want to) to control what their child is eating. If they see that their child is obese do something about it not just stand their and let your child be unhealthy.

    -Zul M.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I think it's a little ridiculous how much kids now a days eat so much junk food. It just surprises me that parents let there kids do it. It just blows my mind.

    2. I couldn't agree more. I think it's a little ridiculous how much kids now a days eat so much junk food. It just surprises me that parents let there kids do it. It just blows my mind.

    3. I couldn't agree more. I think it's a little ridiculous how much kids now a days eat so much junk food. It just surprises me that parents let there kids do it. It just blows my mind.

    4. I also agree with this. I don't like government trying to take the role of parents in a household, I just can't see how that makes any sense to Politicians.

    5. I obviously agree with you guys. Parents have a huge roll on whether their kid is obese and eats unhealthy. They just get too lazy and swing by McDonald's on the way home instead of making them a homemade nutritious meal. I mean every now and then is ok, but this seems to be a real problem.

      Lauren Farr

    6. That is the problem Lauren! Good call :) parents are just lazy. And once you are old enough to control your own eating habits, the teen or whoever it may be, might be lazy. It can be just as easy to cook a few simple things with a lot of nutritious value, as it is to swing by McDonald's. I think you're rigt, it's a real problem.
      -Bailey M.

    7. And self control...gotta be able to control all you eat and what you eat.

  5. I agree. I know that fast food can be convienent and easy, but I think we need to try harder to make ourselves and our children healthier. We need to work harder as a whole society to keep ourselves healthy. We can't expect the government to make sure that we are doing everything right.
    Kaylee M.

    1. Agreed. We need to do what is right. Especially when it is for our kids.

      Lauren Farr

    2. Everything start with us, if we know is unhealthy why eat it.

      Zul Martinez

    3. Yeah, I mean at a certain age it is more the parent's responsibility, but once you know about the dangers of eating unhealthy, it is up to you.

      -Charles Simon

  6. I don't think the government should get involved whatsoever, the self control about fast food needs to come from inside the home. And yes, San Francisco did pass the law about toys in kids meals, but don't worry this didn't affect Mcdonald's; the next day instead of giving toys in the kids meals they charged a penny for the toys so it would be part of the meal. Corporations can find their way around crazy government decisions

    1. I understand what you are saying Colby and I agree with you on that fact that "it needs to come from inside the home," but what if some of those homes need a little push to get them start; and that little push came from the government. I love fast food and I know I eat it do much, but if the government came out and gave some kind of insentive or restriction on fast food. I might eat lest fast food.

    2. Government shouldn't get involved...sooner or later they will though

    3. Government shouldn't get involved...sooner or later they will though

  7. I agree with the fact that the government should not be involved at all in any decision that has to do with the private lives of others. A comment that I believe fits this topic is my government teacher used to always say "I don't care what you do behind closed doors as long as children are not harmed." Thus government should not have control over this topic or any other topic, parents just need to have more control. If a situation gets out of hand then other organizations should get involved. The governments job in my opinion is to enforce the constitution and that is all. Therefore they should not have any control of the ads on television. If people do not want to eat fast food, then they can ignore the commercials. It all should be a personal choice, not a matter of control by the government.

    -Karleigh A.

    1. I really love that quote. I think that it sums this who discussion up. All we need to do is help and protect everyone, including the children. Parents need to take control and be responsible.

      Lauren Farr

    2. Thank you, that was the only thing that I could ever completely relate to on the topic of politics. That statement will be with me for the rest of my life.

      -Karleigh A.

    3. I completely agree with you Lauren. It's time that we stop blaming what we can control on other people. Let's take accountability. With that being said, we have to be chain breakers, meaning our generation has to take accountability. Don't let our kids let themselves go.

      -Jaxson S.

    4. Well the personal choice is obviously not working too well, or otherwise this country would not have such a high obesity rate.

      Anna Hollingsworth

  8. I agree with Jaxson and Lauren. There are so many things these days that contribute to obesity. Tv ads could be a big problem, but at the same time it could be so many other things too. However, there are many things to prevent an obese population people just need to take part and make responsible choices in their everyday lives to stay healthy.
    -Bailey M.

  9. Yes, I think that fast food commercials during childreen's programs and happy meal toys should be banned because childreen are very easy to manipulate and they will nag their parrents till they get what they want.
    I also think that when childreen grow up with a certain pattern that they will not want to break it because they will keep the memories of what made them happy as kids.

    Anna Hollingsworth

  10. I think it's a fabulous idea to ban fast food advertisements, kind of like out of sight out of mind. maybe it could help americans not be so obese..
    Staci Galvez

  11. I don't think it should be a question of whether or not banning fast food TV advertising is effective, I think the real question is is it fair to ban commercials for corporations that are simply attempting to make a profit? If we were to apply this same kind of reasoning to all advertisements and not just fast food then cars are dangerous, so Ford, Hyundai, Chevrolet? They shouldn't be allowed to make commercials. Pharmaceuticals, they can be dangerous, people get addicted to painkillers often. No more commercials for that industry either. Regulating advertising for any particular industry is wrong and it's ridiculous. Advertising has nothing to do with heavy children, if children are fat then it's time to analyze their home lives and the parenting techniques of their guardians and not blame chunky kids on Burger King and Taco Bell.

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