Friday, November 9, 2012

A little humor...

My apologies to any art majors, but I'm pretty sure "English" would fit just as well :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Drug Representatives"

Looking over Isaacson's article in Weber Writes, what do you think he did well? What could he have improved?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Examples of Persuasive Articles

Here are some great examples of persuasive articles, any of which would fit the criteria for the Essay #2 assignment.  The first article is from 1977 and contains one of the examples in our rhetorical appeals handout.  The rest are from the opinion pages of the websites I've suggested. Skim through the articles and see if they spark your interest; if not, let the articles lead you to other articles on their pages. At the end if this post I've also included websites for you to search.

"The Satisfactions of Housewifery and Motherhood" by Terry Martin Hekker

"Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" by Mitt Romney

"Why I am Pro-Life" by Thomas L. Friedman

"2008 Called.  It Wants to Know What Happened to Barack Obama" by John Cook

"Charts: Women Are Backing Obama by the Binderful" by Dave Gilson

"Mugging Our Descendants" by George F. Will

"It's Time to Allow Doping in Sport" by Ellis Cashmore

"Should Doping Be Allowed?" Room for Debate Forum

"Who Says There Is No Solution to Bullying?" by Becky Cohn-Vargas

Monday, October 15, 2012

"Ban on Fast Food TV Advertising"

Here is the link to our next reading:

"Ban on Fast Food TV Advertising"

Knowing the appeals used by print and TV advertisers, as well as the subtlety of the effects of the appeals, do you think a ban on fast food advertising during children's programming is appropriate? Do you think that it would be effective in curbing the obesity problem?  San Francisco has passed a similar measure that bans Happy Meal toys in meals that don't comply with a certain nutritional standard (here is a link to an article about it). Do you think that forcing corporations to take responsibility for obesity is effective?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men"

The following links will take you to YouTube clips of the popular AMC series, Mad Men. The first clip   is from the very first episode of the series, and shows Don Draper making a pitch for Lucky Strike Cigarettes: "Mad Men: It's Toasted." The second shows a pitch for the Kodak Carousel: "Mad Men: Carousel." As you watch the clips, consider how the use of a single word, or the choice of one word over another, can increase the persuasive appeal of an advertisement.

"Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals"

Here is the link to a PDF of Jib Fowles' article, "Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals." Although the advertisements he uses as examples are pretty old, the appeals are still applicable to todays ads. Can you think of current ads that fit the appeals that Fowles lists? Do you think there are any appeals that he missed or that should be included in the list?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Can You Hear Me Now?"

Here is the post for comments/questions on Turkle's "Can You Hear Me Now?"  Turkle's view on technology is very different from many of the articles we've read prior to this one.  While I know that many of you disagree with her and think that her article is a little overdramatic and extreme in its view, can you see any value to the questions she is presenting? I think the most important metaphor that she draws in her discussion of technology occurs with the question about the live turtle in the Darwin exhibit, does it matter that the turtle is real? Does it matter whether our relationships, conversations, and interactions with others take place face-to-face or electronically? Does it make any difference? Will it change the way we think, feel, or act as human beings?

And just for fun, a quote from "Mr. Roboto" by Styx:

The problem's plain to see
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines de-humanize

And the link to the incredibly awesome music video if you've got time to kill :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's the Matter With Kids Today?

Here's the link:
What's the Matter With Kids Today? by Amy Goldwasser

In our class discussion of this article, we seemed to agree on the idea that, if kids use common sense and self-control, technology can be a powerful learning tool and an outlet for creative expression. Here's my question: can we really rely on teens, or even their parents, to apply self-control and establish limits in their use of technology?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Audiobooks, anyone?

I had to post this ad because I found it really interesting--I've mentioned in class that I'm resistant to e-readers, and yet, while I was working on my master's degree, I did quite a bit of my "reading" via audio files on my iPod. The problem was trying to go back and forth between the printed text and the audio.  Here's the solution to that problem! I may have to buy a Kindle now! (Ha :)) What do you think? Could you convert to audiobooks?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Mind Over Mass Media"

"Mind Over Mass Media"

Do you agree with Pinker that "[t]he effects of consuming electronic media are...likely to be far more limited than the panic implies"? Or do you think we need to be more concerned about the world's steady diet of information that is fast-paced but lacking depth?

"The ABCs of E-Reading"

So, what did you think about "The ABCs of E-Reading"? If you are not an avid reader of e-books, did this convince you to run out and buy a Kindle? If you already own some kind of electronic reader, did this justify your purchase and make you feel superior to those of us who are digging in our heels, resisting technology, and clinging to our beat-up paperbacks?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"The Power of Young Adult Fiction"

Here is the link to the next article:
The Power of Young Adult Fiction
Remember to click on each of the articles and read all seven commentaries.

What is your experience with young adult fiction? Which of the articles do you agree with? Which ones do you disagree with?

In other news, here are links to the Google Docs versions of the handouts we looked at in class on writing summaries, evaluations, and comparisons for your reading responses.  The formatting is a little different, but the information is still there.

Evaluation/Comparison Handout
Summary Handout

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction

I'm seriously impressed with the number of questions and responses that are already on the blog, and with the thought you have put into them.  Thank you!! Here is the link to our next reading, "The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction". Also, I've provided all the links to this unit of readings on the side bar to the right, just in case you're ambitious and want to read ahead :)

Just as a side note, as I was driving home today, I caught a radio broadcast on NPR with storyteller Bill Harley.  He provides some interesting insights on how stories affect the way we think and why we need stories to help us make sense of the world around us.  It really seems to go hand-in-hand with the article we're reading for next week.  If you get a chance, visit the website listen to some of it.  Here is the link: Radiowest Bill Harley interview.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome to Fall Semester 2012!

Welcome to English 1010! This blog is the place to find links to articles, post discussion questions about the articles, and respond to others' discussion questions.

Here is a link to the first reading, due Friday, August 31st.  Remember to bring a hard copy or electronic copy to class, be prepared to discuss it and answer questions about it in class, and then post a question or comment about it on the blog. Email me at if you have any trouble accessing the article.

Caleb Crain, "Twilight of the Books"